Today we released our first Free Mens Outfit, called Apollo! It is available in 7 colors and comes with 24 pieces!
( Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Teal, Purple )
Available at my Mainstore, the Romanum Sim and Chiaroscuro. And of course at the
SL Marketplace!
Important: please be aware that primwear never will be 100% fitting due to Second Life Limitations e.g. AOs moving parts through prim attachments.
If youre not firm with resizing primattachemnts, you may use instead this script: Linkset Resizer.
How to use with menu:
Install this script in the root prim of a linked set of prims (aka "linkset")
Edit the attachmen, go to content tab and drag drop the script in.
Close Editor and click the linkset to get menu, resize to your liking
If your avi is more muscled and the armor part looks to awkward stretched bigger, just use the upper body alpha layer!
The Roman/Greek Free Man Outfit by House of Alcott contains 24 Pieces.
1 Toga upper part
1 Toga lower part
1 Toga cape
2 simple sandals
1 laurel wreath
1 helm on nose
1 Helm on skull
1 cape
1 hud
2 sandals feet only - hud controlled
2 sandals feet with armor - hud controlled
2 lower leg armor w/o feet
1 Armor lower part - Kilt
1 Armor upper part - Harness
2 lower arms armor
1 Boxer pants - pants layer
3 alphamasks
The no Mod shown is due to some scripts in the HUD and Primfeet.