With this Post i want to start a new rubric, featuring Designers i think do incredible products to make our SL more enjoyable. The very first Designer i want to introduce is the awesome Arwen Serpente from Arwen's Creations. She is making in my opinion the most beautiful gowns and dresses for women who like to dwell in Medieval/Fantasy/Gor enviroments. When she releases a new Dress it comes in many many color variations. I will show my favorite color ones here and suggest to go to Arwens Mainstore, if you want to see all the others. First Picture shows the Gown called 'Cerridwen' and the color is called 'Honeysuckle & Cider'. Here is what she is saying to this wonderful looking gown: "Cerridwen" 16-piece ensemble and Necklace & Arm Cuff Set. "Cerridwen" features 3 Skirts, Cloak, Belt with Scissors/Pouch/Keys & Lock, Scrunchy Sleeves and Shoulder Pads, opaque Veil, and all the clothing layers (there is a white high neck undershirt included even though it doesn't show in the pictures). The Necklace & Arm Cuff Set features the necklace with 4 leather cord colors (white, red, brown, and black) and a Serpent amulet with colorchange scripted eyes and gems. "Cerridwen" is available in 18 color combinations plue the Necklace & Arm Cuff Set (separate purchase) at the Main Store & these satellite stores now!
Another just a short time ago released Gown is 'Ninianne' and im showing the Color Golden Honey (Second Picture): New today at the Main Store, a follow-up to the "Ygraine" ensemble...Please meet "Ninianne". Both Ygraine and Ninianne are characters in Arthurian legend, so they are both courtly gowns fit for Medieval, Gorean, or Fantasy roleplay. "Ninianne" features 17-pieces so the styling options are practically endless. As with all my designs, the details are extreme and the photographs capture only part of the story. "Ninianne" is available in 16 color combinations and a Fat Pack.