Hi Folks, today i want to present you the New Skin 'The Notorious' from BAD@ZZ. I saw that one a little while ago used on an ad on the marketplace and i had to research where it came from. Mind you the Designer who used it on his ad was not helpful and declined to tell where it is from, if i want to know i shall buy the shape he used it on. I was laughing as im not buying a shape for 1300 LD just for the included styling card and not even demos are offered for the shapes, very risky for the customers, not to mention that this pricing is simply overpriced for a shape. So i did my research and found out. This awesome skin is made by Master Source the owner of BAD@ZZ and he outdid himself with this. In my opinion he reached a new level of quality for skins as a skin like this was not seen before on the grid. It will be a challenge for all good skin designer to keep up with this, im looking forward to a very interesting year regarding skin releases. I seriously hope Master Source will surprise us with more skins, i keep my eyes open and let you know. For all who want to take a look at the skin, here's the place to go: BAD@ZZ