Today i want to present another Designer i do think is amazing, Ramses Meredith of Egoisme! His newest relaese is the Skin called Antoine, which is the first of a new line named Vividtone© Here are some Ads and his release information:
Egoisme has once again pioneered a new technology called Vividtone©. This new skin technology will allow the customer to change skin tones without the expense of having to buy another skin. You choose your tone!
Egoisme's first Vividtone© release is Antoine, a detailed High Resolution skin (1024x1024 300 dpi resolution) with enhanced details to make the most realistic skin you can find anywhere. Sensual, masculine, strong and smooth, Antoine will fit your every mood, and make you stand out in every situation
The base version comes with 8 different tones -- 4 pale tones and 4 dark tones, with 32 unique combinations including hair, body hair and shaved body.
In the coming weeks we will release other add-ons for this new technology to allow you to choose between different skin colours, scarfs, wounds and whips which will allow you to have versatility with your looks during role play.
For 3 days ONLY we offer you a promotional price on our first Vividtone© skin, Antoine. The normal skin without Vividtone© option is temporarily priced at 1600 l$ instead 1800 l$; the normal skin with Vividtone© is temporarily priced at 1900 l$ instead 2100 l$.
Currently, we will not be offering the skin plus Vividtone© Fat Pack because the huge lot of layers require being placed in a prim. We are, however, open to private requests.
As usual Egoisme wants to satisfy our customers needs. As always, Egoisme is first to discover new frontiers to make our customers unique and inimitable.
And now some numbers:
Skin Pack without vividtone:
1 skin shaved bald
1 skin body hair bald
1 skin shaved and hair
1 skin body hair and hair
1 realistic eyes
1 eyebrow layer
Skinpack with vividtone:
1 skin shaved bald
1 skin body hair bald
1 skin shaved and hair
1 skin body hair and hair
1 realistic eyes
1 eyebrow layer
4 tones pale shaved bald
4 tones pale body hair bald
4 tones pale shaved and hair
4 tones pale body hair and hair
4 tones tan shaved bald
4 tones tan body hair bald
4 tones tan shaved and hair
4 tones tan body hair and hair