Yesterday i was at an event. A live singing event with the Artist Ricky Flow. Im not often at such event and i got an invitation for this one. And you know what? I liked it alot it was awesome. I was before at other events like this with other artists, but it was always like just listening to radio. Yesterday it was way different, as the Artist, Ricky Flow, was able to make you feel like at a real event. He was close to the audience and talked with us, what i think was very nice, as he made a connection with his audience. This is something other live artists not really are able to achieve. Ricky gave out a songlist with his repertoire and sung even request from this list. The songs are a good mix and his vocie is very nice to listen at. If youre interested to check him out yourself, you should join his Group Rickiy`s Flow
. Send his Manager Lothorius Ethaniel a notecard with a group joining request, simple IM`s will get capped as he is a busy manager *Smile* So all i can say is, test it yourself and enjoy!