Wednesday, September 18, 2013

New Release: Leovens Galore City Shop

Thank you for your interest in our product. This Item uses Mesh and normal prims.
This Cottage is build out of 59 prim (Landimpact) and uses a rez faux system. Base Size is 15m by 15m. The Building itself is Mod/Copy, but no Transfer. The 'No Mod' showed at the Box is because of the Scripts. Once Rezzed the Building can be copied and modified to your liking. If you expereince rez problems like a door goes not to its position, just move the
rez faux system box a bit so the whole linksets move to, that should fix it. The Shop offers some cozy rooms usable as you want. Below you find a big cellar room.

!!!!!!!ATTENTION: To place this Build correctly you need to have some landscapeing abilities, as the cellar is meant to be below the simground. The Pathway around the build shows you how deep the cellar needs to be. !!!!!!!

Check out Inworld or Marketplace!

Leovens Galore City Shop by House of Alcott

New Release: Leovens Country Cottage in three Texture Versions

Thank you for your interest in our product. This Item uses Mesh and normal prims.

This Cottage is build out of 87 prim (Landimpact) and uses a rez faux system. Base Size is 15m by 20m. The Building itself is Mod/Copy, but no Transfer. The 'No Mod' showed at the Box is because of the Scripts. Once Rezzed the Building can be copied and modified to your liking. If you expereince rez problems like a door goes not to its position, just move the
rez faux system box a bit so the whole linksets move to, that should fix it. The Cottage offers some cozy rooms usable as you want. Below you find a big cellar room.

Come and see it Inworld or check out Marketplace!

Leovens Country Cottage Tudor Beige by House of Alcott

 Leovens Country Cottage Tudor White by House of Alcott

Leovens Country Cottage Tudor Wood by House of Alcott