I think its time to put Birth on my featured Designer list as i think they make very nice male skins and i want to bring them close to you, so here we go and this is what they say in their advertising:
We've quite possibly made smouldering personified. With noble cheekbones, a striking facial structure and the most kissable lips you'll ever see on a man.
We've also made the skin texture both more realistic and more refined.
With an expanded range of 6 skin tones, from the alabaster ethereal to the dark and mysterious.
Coming with THREE different body styles, with THREE different body hair options, 3x3 combo, you get effectively 9 skins for the price of 1. (Muscular Body, Normal Body, Toned Body X Hairy, Normal, No Hair).
In 22 Beard Styles
Hair Base and Bald
So i really think, if youre looking for a skin which you want to modify bodytype wise this could be your choice, its a very nice idea to give you the option of a smooth body or that very well muscled one. Check it out!